Finding the Right Psychologist for your Psychiatric and Psychological Problems:
There are thousands of professional psychologists in each part of India. It’s so confused to whom shall I choose and how can I find the best psychotherapist and / or psychologist in terms of their credentials, credibility, and affordability.
Let’s understand this, question yourself?
What specific problem do I have, to visit a mental health expert?For my condition, do I have to visit Psychiatrist or Psychologist (i.e. general, educational, career, family, psychiatric and clinical conditions)How do I find an expert and look at their credentials?Tips to find the right therapist or psychologist?
Before visiting and taking any decision to go through the psychotherapy or psychiatrist consultation, remember these points:
*** Research more and more, ask known people (friends and family), look for their experience and treating such conditions, check are they licensed clinical psychologist (a licensed psychologist means, certified by rehabilitation council of India and completed M.Phil in Clinical Psychology). If you have therapeutic alliance, proceed with the therapist.
Please write to us to know more about finding the right psychologist.......... Email us : spmhcs@gmail.com
Sailaja Pisapati Clinical Psychologist Sailaja Pisapati Mental Health Center (Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychiatry, Psychotherapy & Rehabilitation Center);
Habsiguda X Roads, Hyderabad - 500 007.
040 - 48510690 / 9550950732 www.spmhc.com